– About Catuji –

Catuji is a Coffee beans from Mekar Wangi mountain around Bandung city West Java Indonesia. The Catura variety, which grows in the mountainous soil of West Java at an altitude of more than 1400 above sea level, produces coffee beans with a distinctive flavor. All processing is maintained and developed with advanced supporting technology to produce the best Catuji Coffee Beans. 

Estate Catuji Natural
Mekar Wangi Mountain | Altitude 1400 meter | Varietal Catura | Natural Fermented Process  | Sun Dried

Medium Roasted

Estate Catuji Honey 
Mekar Wangi Mountain | Altitude 1400 meter | Varietal Catura | Unaerob fermented Process  | Sun Dried

Medium Roasted

Estate Catuji Wash Dry Hulled
Mekar Wangi Mountain | Altitude 1400 meter | Varietal Catura | Wash limited fermented, Dry Hulled  Process  | Sun Dried

Medium Roasted


Memiliki sertifikat SCAA untuk proses natural, full washed dan honey dengan score di atas 80. Pernah mengikuti gelaran World of Coffee di Milan Italia, pada tanggal 23 s.d. 25 Juni 2022 dengan score 84,625. Serta mendapat gelar juara pada kejuaraan di Ethiopia dengan score 86 Sehingga Catuji Kopi dapat masuk ke dalam grade specialty coffee yang sudah diakui dunia.

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